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Signaling Pathway Reporter Plasmid Vectors

Signaling pathways involve various receptor proteins that receive, process and transmit signals from outside to inside of cells. External signals include chemical signaling molecules and physical stimuli (e.g., mechanical pressure, voltage, temperature, light etc.). Generally, receptor proteins are classified into two major groups: extracellular and intracellular receptors. Extracellular receptors are transmembrane proteins that include G Protein-Coupled Receptor (GPCRs), Enzyme-Linked Receptors, Cell Linkages-Integrins, Immune Receptors and Ligand-Gated Ion Channels. Intracellular Receptors are soluble proteins including Nuclear Receptors, Cytoplasmic Receptors and NOD-Like Receptors (NLRs). Upon stimuli, the receptor proteins are activated, start the process of signal transduction and propagate the signal through cells.

RGBiotech offers a list of signaling pathway reporter plasmid vectors that use diverse response elements and luciferase reporter gene to support your research by providing rapid, sensitive and quantitative assessment of signal transduction pathway activities in cells. Besides non-viral plasmids, we also provide viral-based plasmids that can be packaged into viral particles to increase delivery efficiency into hard-to-transfect cells. Mammalian antibiotic selection markers included in our vectors allowing users to generating stable cell lines.

Product List for Signaling Pathway Reporter Plasmids
Figure 1. Schematic diagram for signaling pathway reporter system


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