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Apoptosis Reporter Plasmids

Apoptosis is the process of programmed cell death that occurs in multicellular organisms during development and aging to eliminate unwanted cells. Apoptosis is a highly controlled and regulated process that is triggered by internal and/or external signals such as in immune reactions or when cells are damaged. Apoptosis plays critical roles in physiology and pathology. Consequently, deregulation of apoptosis is commonly involved in the pathogenesis of a variety of human diseases ranging from cancer to neurodegeneration. So, it is very important to unraveling the mechanisms regulating the process of apoptosis.

Caspases (cysteine-aspartic proteases, cysteine aspartases or cysteine-dependent aspartate-directed proteases) are a family of protease enzymes that play indispensable roles in programmed cell death. Based on caspases, scientists have developed useful tools to monitor apoptosis, such as the Forster resonance energy transfer (FRET)-based executioner caspase reporters and FlipGFP-based caspase reporter.

For the FRET-based caspase reporter, the FRET pair is linked by a caspase cleavage site. Cleaving the linker by a caspase leads to a change in fluorescence emission which can be easily detected.

The FlipGFP-based caspase reporter is an improved apoptosis detection system which increases fluorescence 100-fold compared to other reporters. FlipCherry is a red fluorogenic protease reporter based on superfolder Cherry (sfCherry).

RGBiotech offers a series of FRET-based caspase reporter plasmids and FlipGFP-based caspase reporter plasmids.

FRET-Based Caspase Reporter Plasmids
FlipGFP/Cherry-Based Caspase Reporter Plasmids


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