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Brief Introduction of Recombinant Lentiviruses

Recombinant lentiviruses (rLVs) can infect both replicating and quiescent cells and have become an important class of gene delivery vectors in research field as well as in gene therapies. rLVs offer the advantage of a large packaging capacity. They can encompass gene encoding sequences, non-coding RNA (shRNA, sgRNA, lncRNA) sequences to overexpress / knock down / knock out target genes in cell cultures or animal models.

To ensure the safety of the users, all rLVs are engineered to be replication incompetent. The components responsible for virus replication has been removed and rLVs are produced by co-transfection of 3 ~ 4 plasmids (transfer, packaging and envelope) containing the components necessary for virus production into the packaging cell line.

rLVs can be further divided into different subgroups based on the viral backbone, envelope glycoprotein and its integration ability.

1) Subgroups based on the viral backbone: HIV-based, FIV-based

The most widely used rLVs are human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-based lentiviruses. Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV), closely related to HIV, has also been engineered into a vector for gene transfer.

2) Subgroups based on the envelope protein: Broad tropism, Specific tropism

The host range of lentiviruses is determined by the envelope glycoprotein which can interact with receptors displaying on host cell surface. The VSV-G (Vesicular Stomatitis Virus Glycoprotein) envelope protein is commonly used in lentiviral particle production because it confers broad tropism over a range of species and cell types. VSV-G also increases viral particle stability which allows virus supernatant to be concentrated through high-speed centrifugation to obtain viruses with high titer. However, VSV-G expression in cells can induce cytotoxicity. Therefore, non-toxic viral envelopes have been investigated. The most prominent alternative that has been identified is feline endogenous retrovirus (RD114) glycoprotein. Compared with VSV-G, this envelope protein has lower transduction efficiency but also possesses a wide host cell tropism and provides increased particle stability. The tropism of rLVs can also be expanded or altered by pseudotyped with other glycoproteins for specific targeting, e.g., using rabies virus-derived glycoprotein for target the central nervous system.

3) Subgroups based on integration ability: Integrating, Non-integrating

The first developed rLVs can integrate into the host cell chromosome to achieve long-term stable transgene expression from integrated gene cassettes. However, as transgene integration is randomly occurring, it carries a risk of disrupting (silencing or activating) native gene expression through insertional mutagenesis and may change host cell properties or functions. The development of non-integrating rLVs provides us with an opportunity to reduce the risk of random-insertion-induced mutation. The integration is mediated by the lentiviral integrase protein, non-integrating rLVs are obtained by loss-of-function modifications of integrase. Thus, non-integrating rLVs also known as integrase-deficient lentivirus (IDLV). IDLV don't integrate into host cell genome and is beneficial in cases in which transient gene expression is desired.

Related Products: Lentivirus Production Plasmids
Item No. Description Price
PKIT-211181 Plasmids for producing HIV-based, VSV-G pseudotyped, integrating lentiviruses Inquiry
PKIT-211182 Plasmids for producing HIV-based, VSV-G pseudotyped, non-integrating lentiviruses Inquiry
PKIT-211183 Plasmids for producing HIV-based, RD114-TR pseudotyped, integrating lentiviruses Inquiry
PKIT-211184 Plasmids for producing HIV-based, RD114-TR pseudotyped, non-integrating lentiviruses Inquiry

For More Readings

[1] James Cronin, Xian-Yang Zhang, and Jakob Reiser. “Altering the Tropism of Lentiviral Vectors through Pseudotyping”. Curr Gene Ther. 2005 Aug; 5(4): 387–398. PMID: 16101513.
[2] M B Banasik, P B McCray Jr. “”. Gene Ther. 2010 Feb;17(2):150-7. PMID: 19847206 DOI: 10.1038/gt.2009.135.
[3] Kuan-Can Liu, Bao-Shun Lin, An-Ding Gao, Hong-Yu Ma, Meng Zhao, Rui Zhang, Hui-Hui Yan, Xun-Fei Yi, Si-Jie Lin, Jian-Wen Que, Xiao-Peng Lan. “Integrase-deficient lentivirus: opportunities and challenges for human gene therapy”. Curr Gene Ther. 2014;14(5):352-64. PMID: 25174579 DOI: 10.2174/1566523214666140825124311.
[4] Dyana T Saenz, Román Barraza, Nils Loewen, Wulin Teo, Eric M Poeschla. “Feline immunodeficiency virus-based lentiviral vectors”. Cold Spring Harb Protoc. 2012 Jan 1;2012(1):71-6.
[5] E M Poeschla, F Wong-Staal, D J Looney. “Efficient transduction of nondividing human cells by feline immunodeficiency virus lentiviral vectors”. Nat Med. 1998 Mar;4(3):354-7. PMID: 9500613 DOI: 10.1038/nm0398-354.
[6] Sybille L Sauter, Mehdi Gasmi, Thomas W Dubensky Jr. “A highly efficient gene delivery system derived from feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV)”. Methods Mol Med. 2003;76:405-32. PMID: 12526177 DOI: 10.1385/1-59259-304-6:405.


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