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Mammalian Cell Surface Display

Mammalian Cell Surface Display Technology (MCSDT), or Mammalian Cell Surface Presentation Technology (MCSPT), or Mammalian Membrane-bound Technology (MMBT), or Mammalian Membrane-anchored Technology (MMAT), is a technology for expressing proteins or antibodies on the surface of mammalian cells. The display of proteins on the mammalian cell surface offers advantages for screening and selecting through fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) analysis and function analysis. Moreover, the expressed membrane-bound proteins in mammalian cells can contain the posttranslational modifications that are required for protein function. Compared with phage display, mammalian cells can display various types of targets in small or large size, for example, single-chain variable fragment (scFv) of antibodies, full-length antibodies, cytoplasmic proteins, secreted proteins.

In order to display a target on the mammalian cell surface, the target needs to be fused to a signal peptide (SP) at its N-terminal end which directs the target protein to the secretory pathway, and a transmembrane domain (TM) at its C-terminal end which anchors the target protein to the plasma membrane and display it on the extracellular side. Common protein tags can also be included, such as HA, Myc, FLAG, for detection by western blot or immunofluorescence.

RGBiotech offers custom construction of vectors for mammalian cell surface display. Please contact us at admin@rgbiotech.com for more information.


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